Universidade de Vigo


Artigos científicos:

  • Romero-Fresco, P. (2017). Accessible Filmmaking in Documentaries. InTRAlinea, Special issue: Building bridges between Film Studies and Translation Studies, 12-38.
  • Matamala, A., Romero-Fresco, P., & Daniluk, Ł. (2017). The Use of Respeaking for the Transcription of Non-Fictional Genres: An Exploratory StudyInTRAlinea, 19, 68-92.
  • Romero-Fresco, P., & Pöchhacker, F. (2017). Quality assessment in interlingual live subtitling: The NTR modelLinguistica Antverpiensia, New Series: Themes in Translation Studies, 16, 149-167.
  • Romero-Fresco, P. (2018). Accessible Filmmaking: Translation and Accessibility from Production. En L. Pérez-González (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Audiovisual Translation Studies (pp. 498-515). Routledge.
  • Romero-Fresco, P. (2018). Eye-tracking, Subtitling and Accessible Filmmaking. En T. Dwyer, C. Perkins, S. Redmond & J. Sita (Eds.), Seeing into Screens: Eye Tracking and the Moving Image (pp. 235-258). Bloomsbury.
  • Romero-Fresco, P. (2018). In support of a wide notion of media accessibility: Access to content and access to creationJournal of Audiovisual Translation, 1(1), 187-204.
  • Romero-Fresco, P. (2018). Reception studies in live and pre-recorded subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing. En E. di Giovanni & Y. Gambier (Eds.), Reception Studies and Audiovisual Translation (pp. 199-223). John Benjamins.
  • Romero-Fresco, P. (2018). Respeaking: Subtitling through Speech Recognition. En L. Pérez-González (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Audiovisual Translation Studies (pp. 96-113). Routledge.
  • Romero-Fresco, P. (2018). Subtitling for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. En M. Baker & G. Saldanha (Eds.), The Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies (Terceira edición). Routledge.
  • Romero-Fresco, P. (2019). Reception studies in live and pre-recorded subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing. En E. Di Giovanni & Y. Gambier (Eds.), Reception Studies and Audiovisual Translation (pp. 199-223). John Benjamins.
  • Romero-Fresco, P. (2019). The accessible filmmaker and the global film. MonTI, Special issue: Media Accessibility.
  • Romero-Fresco, P. (2019). Training in Accessible FilmmakingLinguistica Antverpiensia, New Series: Themes in Translation Studies, 18, 47-72.
  • Romero-Fresco, P., & Meiriño-Gómez, J. (2019). Addressing the Challenges of Live Subtitles for AllEuroScientist, Special issue: The Social Value of European Research on Media Accessibility.
  • Romero-Fresco, P., Melchor-Couto, S., Dawson, H., Moores, Z., & Pedregosa, I. (2019). Respeaking certification: Bringing together training, research and practiceLinguistica Antverpiensia, New Series: Themes in Translation Studies, 18, 216-236.
  • Romero-Fresco, P. (2020). Accessible Filmmaking. En Ł. Bogucki & M. Deckert (Eds.), Handbook of Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility (pp. 547-567). Palgrave.
  • Romero-Fresco, P. (2020). Accessible Filmmaking and Media Accessibility. En Ch. Ji (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Translation and Social Practices (pp. 325-353). Oxford University Press.
  • Romero-Fresco, P. (2020). The accessible filmmaker and the global film. En M. Richart-Marset & F. Calamita (Eds.), Traducción y Accesibilidad en los medios de comunicación: de la teoría a la práctica / Translation and Media Accessibility: from Theory to Practice. MonTI (pp. 381-417). Publicacions de la Universitat d’Alacant.
  • Romero-Fresco, P. (2020). The dubbing effect: An eye-tracking study on how viewers make dubbing work. The Journal of Specialised Translation, 33.
  • Romero-Fresco, P., & Eugeni, C. (2020). Live subtitling through respeaking. En Ł. Bogucki & M. Deckert (Eds.), Handbook of Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility (pp. 269-297). Palgrave.
  • Romero-Fresco, P. (no prelo, 2020). Accessible Filmmaking. En Ł. Bogucki & M. Deckert (Eds.), Handbook of Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Romero-Fresco, P. (no prelo, 2020). Live subtitling through respeaking. En Ł. Bogucki & M. Deckert (Eds.), Handbook of Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Romero-Fresco, P. (no prelo, 2020). Moving from Accessible filmmaking towards Creative Media Accessibility. Leonardo, Special Issue (MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology), edited by Christine Ji.
  • Romero-Fresco, P. (no prelo, 2020). Negotiating Quality Assessment in Media Accessibility: The Case of Live Subtitling. Universal Access in the Information Society, 33.
  • Dawson, H., & Romero-Fresco, P. (no prelo, 2020). Towards research-informed training in interlingual respeaking: an empirical approach. The Translator and Interpreter Training, Special Issue, editado por Jorge Díaz Cintas.
  • Fresno, N., & Romero-Fresco, P. (no prelo, 2020). Strengthening Respeakers’ Training in Spain: The Research-Practice Connection. The Translator and Interpreter Trainer.

Sesións plenarias por invitación:

  • Romero-Fresco, P. Invitación para presentar ILSA no Accessible Europe Day (Parlamento Europeo). 08-09/10/2019.
  • Romero-Fresco, P. Invitación como “relator distinguido” no 60th American Translators Association Conference en Palm Springs (California) para presentar ILSA. 23-26/10/2019.
  • Romero-Fresco, P. Invitación para impartir unha “masterclass” sobre cine accesible e ILSA na sede de Netflix en California. 23-26/10/2019.
  • Romero-Fresco, P. Invitación para presentar ILSA ao goberno e mais a algunhas asociacións de usuarios en Ankara (Turquía) co fin de poñer en práctica a accesibilidade nos medios no país. Maio de 2020.

Congresos e talleres:

  • Romero-Fresco, P. (24 de maio, 2018). Negotiating Quality in Accessibility: The Case of Live Subtitling [Comunicación]. UMAQ Conference, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, España.
  • Romero-Fresco, P. (24 de maio, 2018). Understanding User Responses to Live Closed Captioning [Comunicación]. UMAQ Conference, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, España.
  • Romero-Fresco, P. (25 de maio, 2018). Theatre captions through the looking glasses [Comunicación]. ACT Conference, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, España.
  • Romero-Fresco, P. (14 de setembro, 2018). Respeaking certification: Bringing together training, research and practice [Comunicación]. 6th International Symposium on Live Subtitling and Accessibility, Civica Scuola Interpreti e Traduttori “Altiero Spinelli”, Milán (Italia).
  • Romero-Fresco, P. (3-5 de outubro, 2018). Articulating a model for accessible productions [Comunicación]. Languages & the Media Conference, Berlín (Alemaña).
  • Romero-Fresco, P. (3-5 de outubro, 2018). Interlingual Live Subtitling-Hand on [Comunicación]. Languages & the Media Conference, Berlín (Alemaña).
  • Romero-Fresco, P. (8-9 de outubro, 2018). La investigación sobre el subtitulado en directo a nivel nacional e internacional [Comunicación]. Congreso AMADIS2018, Consello da Cultura Galega (España).
  • Romero-Fresco, P. (17-19 de xuño, 2019). Accessible Filmmaking in Practice [Workshop]. 8th Media for All Conference, Estocolmo (Suecia).
  • Romero-Fresco, P. (17-19 de xuño, 2019). Book, lights, action!: The theory behind accessible filmmaking as applied to the documentary Where Memory Ends [Taller]. 8th Media for All Conference, Estocolmo (Suecia).
  • Dawson, H. (24 de maio, 2018). Feasibility and quality of interlingual live subtitles: a pilot study [Comunicación]. UMAQ Conference, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, España.
  • Dawson, H. (3-5 de outubro, 2018). Identifying the Task-Specific Skills Required for Interlingual Respeaking: An Empirical Approach [Comunicación]. Languages & the Media Conference, Berlín (Alemaña).
  • Dawson, H., Moores, Z., Pedregosa, I., & Melchor-Couto, S. (17-19 de xuño, 2019). Setting up LiRICS: Live Respeaking International Certification Standard [Comunicación]. 8th Media for All Conference, Estocolmo (Suecia).
  • Sandrelli, A., Davitti,E., & Romero-Fresco, P. (17-19 de xuño, 2019). Interlingual respeaking (IRSP) [Comunicación]. 8th Media for All Conference, Estocolmo (Suecia).
  • Fresno, N., & Rico, M. (17-19 de xuño, 2019). The Quality of Live Subtitling on Spanish Television [Póster]. 8th Media for All Conference, Estocolmo (Suecia).

University of Antwerp

Artigos científicos:


  • Diels, E., Robert, I., & Schrijver, I. (17-19 de xuño, 2019). Training in interlingual live subtiling from different perspectives: practitioners, trainers and employers’ perceptions. A survey study [Comunicación]. 8th Media for All Conference, Estocolmo (Suecia).
  • Reviers, N., & Remael, A. (9-11 de novembro, 2018). OPEN-Expertise Centre for Accessible Media and Culture [Comunicación]. 2nd Swiss Conference on Barrier-free Communication, Xenebra (Suiza).
  • Remael, A., & Robert, I. (14 de setembro, 2018). Live Subtitlers: who are they? [Comunicación]. 6th International Symposium on Accessibility and Live Respeaking, Civica Scuola Interpreti e Traduttori “Altiero Spinelli”, Milán (Italia).
  • Robert, I. (3-5 de outubro, 2018). Interlingual Live Subtitling: the Erasmus+ ILSA project [Comunicación]. Languages & the Media Conference, Berlín (Alemaña).
  • Robert, I., Schrijver, I., & Diels, E. (9-13 de setembro, 2019) Training in interlingual live subtitling from different perspectives: practitioners, trainers and employers’ perceptions. A survey study [Comunicación]. 9th Congress of the European Society for Translation Studies, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch (Suráfrica).

Xornadas de investigación:

  • Reviers, N. (29 de xaneiro, 2019). Faculty of Arts of the University of Antwerp.

University of Vienna

Artigos científicos:


  • Pöchhacker, F. (17 de outubro, 2018). Presentación do proxecto, Centre for Translation Studies, University of Vienna.

Artigos en revistas:


  • Pöchhacker, F., Eichmeyer, D., & Tampir, M. (25 de xuño, 2019). Entrevista na cadea de radio Österreich 1.

Universidade de Varsovia

Artigos científicos:

  • Szczygielska, M. (2019). Napisy dla niesłyszących w Polsce. Historia, problemy, wyzwania. Półrocznik Językoznawczy Tertium. Tertium Linguistic Journal, 4(1), 193-210.
  • Szczygielska, M., & Dutka, Ł. (2019). Historia napisów na żywo tworzonych metodą respeakingu w Polsce. En K. Hejwowski, K. Dębska, & D. Urbanek (Eds.), Tłumaczenie wczoraj, dziś i jutro (pp. 129-164). Varsovia: Institute of Applied Linguistics UW.


  • Szczygielska, M., & Dutka, Ł. (17 de setembro, 2018). Proposal of guidelines on universally online streaming with live subtitles [Comunicación]. 6th International Syposium on Respeaking, Milán (Italia).
  • Dutka, Ł., Szarkowska, A., Figiel, W., & Szczygielska, M. (23-25 de maio, 2018). Respeakers and interlingual live subtitlers: new professional profiles in the field of translation [Comunicación]. Translating Europe Workshop: The changing profile of the translator profession: Technology, competences and fit-for-market training, Institute of Applied Linguistics, Varsovia (Polonia).
  • Szczygielska, M., & Dutka, Ł. (19-20 setembro, 2019). Live subtitling, sign language interpreting and audio description in online streaming: guidelines, technical papers, good practices [Comunicación]. 5th International Conference on Audiovisual Translation INTERMEDIA, Varsovia (Polonia).
  • Dutka, Ł., Szczygielska, M., Szarkowska, A., & Figiel, W. (17-19 de xuño, 2019). Implementing live interlingual subtitling in live events: towards guidelines and technical protocols [Comunicación]. 8th Media for All Conference, Estocolmo (Suecia).



Universidade de Vigo Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución | Despacho Newton 5 | Campus de Vigo As Lagoas | Ctra. de Marcosende | 36310 Vigo (España)
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